Wednesday, November 20, 2013

On traveling light

It began a month ago with three large metal storage cubes...

We filled two of them and gave away or sold the rest rather than fill the third.

We packed a suitcase each and put three cats in the back seat and drove out of Georgia...

When all you keep with you is whatever you call family and a suitcase of clothes, you tend to be able to see more of life.

A month later and I'm still wearing the same five or six outfits I packed in the suitcase (washed, thankfully). A month later and we're still living with our brother and sister-in-law. We're sharing meals and taking turns cooking and cleaning.

Even though we will move into our own Seattle apartment this weekend, I'm reminded that the grandest experiences in life can occur when we are owned by fewer possessions. For this past month, we've had access to only a trunkful of our stuff, and I predict that when we open those metal storage cubes and move into our 800sqft apartment, we'll find ways to free ourselves of more stuff...

...So there's room for life to happen.


  1. I love hearing from you, even through a blog post! It makes me feel like we are in closer proximity. :) Great post and positive view of a situation that many would find stressful. I'm not letting my Andrew read it though, for fear he would throw out half our possessions without me! :)

    1. Haha! Thanks, Susan. It's really been low-stress for both of us. Miraculous!

  2. "Our possessions own us" - so true!!! My fiance and I are in the opposite stage of you, we are accumulating and I am enjoying nesting and making our house a cozy, comfy place. And yet I am grateful for the reminder, to not let it get in the way of living. Happy unpacking this weekend!!

    1. Thanks, Kate. It's true, each season has its time. And there's joy and goodness in nesting and in purging. :)
