Monday, May 19, 2014

publication news!

Wanted to point out that I added a new widget in the column to the right: Publications.

But I can't do so unceremoniously.

The last several months without a full-time paying job have afforded me the chance to work full time on my writing. This work has included finishing new stories and honing and submitting stories I've had on reserve for years, which has paid off in a couple acceptances recently.

"Through the Viewfinder" will be published online at Bluestem Magazine in June. I stopped by their table at AWP in February and picked up a postcard for their postcard contest. Whatever you could write on the back and mail in would be entered, and my little flash fiction piece was selected as one of the winners to be published in their journal. I've had nothing but positive experiences with Bluestem. Some of my friends have had lovely pieces published there. When Roxane Gay was the fiction editor, she sent me a very kind and personalized rejection email for a story, including suggestions for improving it. If you're not a writer, you need to know that this in itself is cause for celebration.

A story that I've been holding on to for two years has finally found a home at Poplorish, the literary journal of the Old Growth Northwest literary organization. "The Rust Red Feather" was germinated in Massachusetts, hatched in Georgia, nurtured in Kentucky, and finally flew the nest in Washington. I'm a proud mama. Old Growth seems to have an ethos that I can get behind, supporting the arts and artists from the region.

I'll update the links to the right when my stories are live and add to the list as more stories are published. I've been fortunate for this time to focus on my writing more, and I hope to continue the practice as I look for and dive into more full-time (paying) work.